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Nipple Piercing Retainers - If you need to make your nipple piercings more discreet, or you have to swap your metal nipple rings for acrylic, glass or PTFE in preparation for a surgical procedure or medical test, our nipple piercing retainers will come in handy! Choose from U-shaped retainers, clear bent barbells, straight acrylic piercing retainers, and glass piercing retainers that will hold your nipple piercings open until you can re-insert your regular jewelry. Don\'t let the product names fool you. Although some of our nipple piercing retainers are labeled as belly piercing retainers and tongue ring retainers, their shapes are just right for use as nipple piercing retainers. Pick the nipple piercing style that you prefer for your everyday nipple rings, whether it be a bent barbell, a straight barbell or another shape.