Tattoo PPE, Disinfectants, & Disposables - Painful Pleasures


Tattoo PPE, Disinfectants, & Disposables

Personal Protection Equipment, also known as PPE, includes a wide range of safety garments and disinfectants that are imperative for the safe and legal practice of tattoo and piercing procedures. The proper use of PPE protects you from potential safety hazards and infections and is one way to meet state-enforced disease control regulations. At PainfulPleasures, we only support safe, licensed tattooing and piercing, and therefore offer a variety of personal protective equipment and shop safety resources.

It is standard for tattoo and piercing studios to employ the use of disposable PPE garments like latex or nitrile examination gloves, face masks, dental bibs, and aprons, all of which we offer on our PainfulPleasures web store. These PPE garments act as an antimicrobial barrier between infectious material and the wearer, decreasing the chance of harmful bacteria entering the body. A lot of personal protective equipment garments are regulated by the FDA. For instance, since many people have an allergic reaction to latex, the FDA demands that examination gloves clearly state on their packaging what materials were used during the manufacturing process.

FDA regulations also state that personal protective equipment like gloves and face masks should be labeled as single-use and therefore should be disposed of directly after use. Proper disposal of contaminated personal protection equipment ensures the safety of both the wearer and the client.

It is also standard for tattoo and piercing studios to employ the use of hospital-grade cleaners to limit the amount of potentially harmful bacteria in their workspace. Shop for disinfectant cleaners from Madacide, Cavicide, Micro-Scientific, and more. Antimicrobial hand wash is another important form of personal protection equipment, and handwashing should be a frequent practice during tattoo and piercing procedures.

While using personal protective equipment, it is imperative that tattoo artists and piercers follow sterile procedure rules and regulations. Tattoo and piercing needles often come pre-sterilized and wrapped for this purpose. If they are expired or not sterilized, artists and piercers have the responsibility to re-sterilize equipment with an autoclave prior to use. In keeping with OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standards, all disposable sharp instruments should be disposed of in designated sharps containers after use.

PainfulPleasures is your go-to source for helpful information regarding personal protective equipment and sterile procedures. For a comprehensive overview of sterile studio management and procedures, check out the Shop Safety section of our blog. Additionally, if you’re an artist looking to freshen up on tattoo and piercing safety regulations, check out our comprehensive guide for tattooing safely and in accordance with OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Standards. You’ll find tips for the proper use of personal protective equipment as well as recommendations for other resources and quality products. Realize your creative vision safely, hygienically, and with the right resources.