Infectious Control, Cleaners & Disinfectants - Painful Pleasures


Infectious Control, Cleaners & Disinfectants

Infectious Control, Cleaners & Disinfectants - It\'s important to maintain a sterile work environment in your tattoo and piercing shop, and we have all the tools you need to get the job done. Shop for germicidal disinfecting cleaners like Wavicide, autoclave cleaner, tattoo tube cleaner, Madacide fast-drying disinfectant for cleaning surfaces throughout your shop, Microcide, brushes for scrubbing tools, Sharps containers for proper disposal of used needles, Petrify pouches to absorb excess fluids in Sharps containers, and antibacterial skin prep products like Microsan Rx skin soap.

If you\'re not sure which cleaners and disinfectants you need most for your shop, use our Maintaining a Sterile Work Environment article as a guide. In it we detail which cleaners to use with which tools and other equipment in your shop and what you\'ll need for prepping clients\' skin prior to tattooing or piercing them.