Magnum Premade Tattoo Needles

Magnum Premade Tattoo Needles - High Quality Premade Tattoo Needles. All of our Magnum Standard Straight Premade Tattoo Needles are made with #12 0.35mm stainless steel needles with standard taper (1.4mm-1.5mm) and now we offer #8 Bugpin Magnum Straight Premade Needles with a Taper of 1.5mm All of our Magnum Curved - Weaved Premade Tattoo Needles are made with #12 0.35mm stainless steel needles with standard taper (1.4mm-1.5mm) All of our Magnum Standard Textured Straight Pre-made Tattoo Needles are made with #12 0.35mm stainless steel needles with standard taper (1.4mm-1.5mm) Mags are generally two rows of needles spaced intermittently in a flat shape. Magnums are used for filling in color, blending and shading a tattoo after the outline has been done.