Natural Hangers - Painful Pleasures


Natural Hangers

Elementals Organic Large Gauge Earrings - Our Elementals Organics collection includes a diverse assortment of organic large gauge earrings. Choose from cheater stirrup earrings with 14g-16g picks, hanger style large gauge earrings, large gauge spiral earrings, dangle plug earrings, and other styles of organic large gauge earrings. Each piece is hand-carved by talented Indonesian artisans, which means that no two large gauge organic earrings are exactly alike. When you order a pair, they may vary slightly in color and size, but we do our best to match up the two organic earrings that are most alike.

Clean your organic large gauge earrings with a damp cloth as needed. You should also periodically massage a small amount of jojoba oil into the horn or wood portions of your large gauge organic earrings to prevent cracking and maintain moisture. Alternatively, you can use tea tree oil on wood earrings. You shouldn\'t submerge your organic large gauge earrings in water. If your organic earrings become over-saturated, pat them dry with a clean cloth and let them air dry fully before reinserting them in your stretched ears.