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1 Gallon of CaviCide1 Surface Disinfectant
CaviCide 1 surface disinfectant is a multi-purpose cleaner that will keep your shop germ-free. It disinfects and decontaminates hard, non-porous surfaces in your shop, needing only just one minute to kill virucidal, bactericidal, and fungicidal activity. CaviCide1 is fragrance free without any bleach and phenol, and it will help reduce the risk of cross-contamination.
CaviCide1 Surface Disinfectant SDSOpens a new window
The following webchart is a quick reference guide for standard body jewelry measurements and how to measure basic body jewelry. Please print this webchart to help measure your body jewelry accurately.
JPG (300 KB)
Visit our PainfulPleasures Infocenter for additional body jewelry information. There, you will find detailed articles on standard body jewelry sizes, how to measure body jewelry, basic body jewelry, and more.
Ensure compatibility between standard (non-custom) PainfulPleasures body jewelry parts using the tables below. More information on threading, including custom thread patterns, can be found in our Threading Infocenter article.
Internally threaded jewelry has a threaded post on the top and/or end, which is then inserted into a threaded hole in the barbell shaft.
18g, 16g
14g, 12g
Internal Thread Pattern
0.8mm or 0.9mm
Externally threaded jewelry has a threaded post on the barbell shaft, which is then inserted into a threaded hole in the top and/or end.
14g, 12g, 10g
External Thread Pattern
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